美国联邦法庭认定美国银行(Bank of A m erica)旗下Countrywide金融公司出售抵押贷款时存在欺诈,美国政府正催促美国银行为此支付8.636亿美元罚金。有业内专家称,这是银行首次在民事诉讼中因抵押贷款有关的不当行为被认定为欺诈。
The U .S. governm ent is seeking$864 m illion in penalties from Bankof A m erica Corp. over a loan produc-tion program called the“H ustle,”ac-cording to a court filing.
The jury also found form er Coun-trywide executive Rebecca M airone li-ablefor fraudfor her roleintheprogram . The U .S. attorney did notrequest an am ount from M s. M airone,saying it w ill seekanam ount that is“com m ensurate w ithher abilitytopay.”The governm ent receivedM s.M airone"s financial docum ents lastw eek and w ill m ake a specific penaltyrequest after analyzingthat data,theFriday filing said.
陪审团还发现,由于其在“急速前进”计划中发挥的作用,C ountry-w ide金融公司前首席执行长瑞贝卡·麦洛尼欺诈罪名成立。检察官没有给出对麦洛尼女士的罚金数额,表示将寻求“与其支付能力相配的”数额。根据周五(8日)的文件,政府上周收到了麦洛尼的金融文件,将在分析相关数据后给出具体的处罚金额。(美国《华尔街日报》)
Bank of A m ericaspokesm anL aw renceG raysonsaidSaturdaythat thelenderplanstorespondtothe governm ent"s penaltyfilingbefore a N ov. 20deadline.
The governm ent saidthe pen-alties w ere necessarytopunishthebankandM airone“andtosendaclearand unam biguousm essagethat m ortgage fraudfor profit w illnot be tolerated.”
(王婧 编译)